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Saturday, August 7, 2004

Nice pics of where I am staying

Hello Everyone,

Well, I woke up around 10am today to clean up a little and get ready for my language exchange with someone but guess what?? When I went to wait for him at the cafe he never showed up. Either that, or he was there and we couldn't recognize each other because he never called. Oh well !

So I came back to my apartment and am just chillin'. I am gonna meet with a girl from Germany this afternoon to practice my German. Yeah !! She seems nice. Better than last night's exchange.

What happened was this guy wanted to practice his English and he'd help me wirh my Spanish. He offers to me to come over and watch a DVD with him. I tell him no, and that I'd meet him at Pizza Hut.

So I got there a little early because Pizza Hut is next to the temple La Sagrada Familia. I saw it light up at night. It is sooooooooo amazing. It's too bad I didn't bring my camera with me.

Anyways, when he calls me to tell me he is there he wants me to go to the other side of the street. This was because he has a girlfriend and her friends were around. He didn't want her friends to see him with me. What the HELL??? HE was the one that called me up and asked me to help him with English. So I told him that I would talk to him tonight, but we won't be meeting anymore. I did NOT come all the way out here to cause problems !!!

The good part about the evening was that I had some good pizza from Pizza Hut. I was sooooo hungry that I broke down and ate a whole small pizza and potatoes with a large drink. I polished it off like it was my job. I was barely listening to the guy. And we decided to call it quits early.

Tonight I am also supposed to meet with someone, but he cancelled out on me. Oh well. Monday will be here soon and maybe I can go see a chick flick with one of the girls in my class.

These pics that I took are of where I live right now. The mural was painted by the last roommate that was here. I also included pics of my new room and the view from the blacony. Gotta love this place. It it SOOO much better than where I stayed before.

Anyways, gotta go now


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