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Monday, November 1, 2004

Pick up your dog crap or else !!!!!

Hello there my lovelies......................

I am sure you all know about the campaigns that are going one for the US Presidency. But I bet you didn´t know about the big advertising campaign that is going on here in my neighborhood and Barcelona.

Basically the city is spending a lot of money to tell it´s citizens to pick up the dog shit that their pets leave behind. Because if a police officer catches you leaving the crap behind, you could be fined between 300-750 Euros. Yeah, thats right !!

There are lots of banners tied up on the trees stating : Pick up after your dog. It´s not that difficult. And next to that is a picture of a man twisted up in some wierd yoga position trying to pick up the dog shit. I kinda laughed.

Holy Crap ! If I had a dog and I let it shit twice without cleaning up after it I would be out of a whole month´s pay. Well, I am glad that the city is doing this. I don´t have a dog, so I don´t care if the rule is too strict or not. I am just tired of always stepping around brown doggie pies.

What else ? It is friggin´ cold here. And the weather was nasty today. No matter how much I tried, I was always stepping in puddles on my way to work today. And today was a holiday. While pretty much all of Barcelona was sleeping, I had to drag my lazy ass out of bed to go make phonecalls to strangers I don´t even know. Nice.

Anywho, I better go. I am starting to get sick so I am gonna rest.





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How much is 300 Euros compared to US dollars?
Feel better.
