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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring is Here !

Hello All,

Wow, it's been such a long time since I last updated. I have a final exam tomorrow so I am just happy to get this quarter over with and enjoy the week break in between. I am half way through my studies so I am looking forward to wrapping this all up. I have also been positioning myself to get an internship.

Since spring has arrived, I have seen the peach and apple trees in my yard blossom. Beautiful pink blossoms. I also have an orange tree, but my roommate's dad cut half of it to extend the tool shed. I am kind of disappointed because it was such a strong, beautiful orange tree. Now it grows around a tool shed.

I have also seen the neighborhood rooster walking around in the backyard like he owns the damn place. He looks like the rooster that I saw on Looney Toons as a kid. I forgot the name, but its what it looks like.

On school campus, we have two ducks that like to waddle around behind the bushes and swim in the fountains. I heard that they have little ducklings now. I was told that the contractors built a little platform for the ducklings so that they could have easier access to the nest.

The ducks are quite friendly and they like to waddle around and quack at you while you sit on one of the benches. I have taken some pictures for my camera phone. I like to say "AFLAC" each time I take their pictures. I like to sit and just watch them. They like to look at me and quack. I think they expect food from me, but I usually don't carry any.

If you don't already know, I love ducks. I find them to be cute and highly amusing. When I lived in Europe with my grandmother, we had about 5 ducks roaming around in the backyard. They provided us with eggs for a long time. We called one of the ducks "Punk" because he had a bunch of feathers on his head that looked like a mohawk.

Anyway, I better finish studying for the final tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

This is an unusual entry for you. Thank you for sharing this side of yourself. I love nature, too. We had ducks when I was growing up, too. Too bad that tree is having to compete with a tool shed. I can see why it would make you mad. I think the name of that rooster was Foghorn. From what I have seen, all roosters act like that. They have a harem of chickens to choose from, ya know! I don't think those little ducks are called chicks. Chicks come from chickens. LOL

Anonymous said...

good luck with your finals.  You made me laugh!