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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Little Updates

Hello There My Lovelies,

Today I went the park to celebrate my boss's granddaughter's birthday. She turned 6. I actually had a nice time. Usually I feel out of place at a child's birthday party. But my boss made me feel welcome and the children were all well behaved. Plus the other people there were nice.

It was held at a park and I went on the swings. I haven't been on a swing in at least ten years. It was like I was a kid again and I went really high. It kinda made me a little sick to my stomach, especially since I had just eaten a couple of hot dogs, but it was still fun. Over all a nice day.

Other than that, I don't have much else to report. School will be starting in a couple of weeks. I am also sending out my resume to some jobs. Right now I still don't have my paralegal certificate and I am still in school. That makes getting a fulltime paralegal position difficult for various reasons: 1.) I don't have my paralegal certificate yet 2.) I am still in school and can't fully commit myself to a fulltime job with overtime.

Sending out my resumes is never fun. There is a lot of preparation, and I have to custom-tailor my cover-letter to each company. Some companies require references and writing samples. All of this is just to have a chance to even have an interview. Usually I don't get called back, and I feel like all this work was done for nothing. But it is still a chance, and I guess that is good enough for now.


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