Hello there everyone,
I am going to make this entry short. So, I got a letter from DHS and they said that I am not medically cleared. I have to send in my medical records from each doctor, and then get re-evaluated. I will have to submit records and get re-evaluated from the following:
1.)Phsychologist 2.) Orthopedist 3.) Optometrist 4.) Cardiologist
Oh and I forgot to mention that this all has to be postmarked by June 18th.
Half the battle is getting my previous medical records. My previous cardiologist is out unil June 20th ( after my deadline ) I am calling his office and leaving messages to get my records but of course no one is returning my calls.
I am really upset right now. I did all of this work, I have a fighting chance to prove that I am healthy (because I was told I am) and there is a strong possibility that I won't get this job because I can't get my records.
Did I mention how much time and money this will set me back ?
I am really pissed right now.