Below is a picture from Lamebook. Clearly it is a trainwreck that I could not look away from. I love my grandmother to pieces and could never imagine her in a picture like this.
My first reaction upon looking at that was:
I mean, I am nasty, and when I get old and gravity forces my tits to sag and hang into my shoes, I am sure I will be bitchy, sarcastic and plain old dirty and maybe even goose a hot paramedic or fireman that hauls my old ass to the hospital. But you will not ever catch me sucking on a long dildo with anyone (grandchildren included) whilst cupping my old granny titties. I mean, seriously......... What the FUCK !?!?
Here it is............ Probably not work safe.
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But upon further inspection of the photo, I realized I have to give granny some props. She's wearing a nice diamond ring, along with whore red fingernails. I am sure she had and is still having a happening sex life with her husband. Maybe not all the parts are in good working order, but she's still got hands and a mouth, right ? Now that the teeth probably come out, I bet it's easy for her man too, right ? " Hey baby ? Would you like me to finish you off with or without teeth tonite ?" The guy gets a choice ! How many of you men out there reading this get a choice ? Chances are you're stuck with teeth.
And for being in her eighties I think she looks great. And we know she's not racist either ! Equal opporunity baby !
Okay, time for me to think about going for a little run.
Besitos mis amores !
Well... she is definitely old enough not to give a hoot what anyone thinks... I give her props for living and going out on her terms..!
Well, I wouldn't be in a picture like that, at 80 or 18. It's not my style.
However, as to being sexually active at 80 - ain't nothing wrong with that! Us macs have been there for many generations. I doubt I'd break that tradition ;-)
Thats ummmm yeah!
If I saw either of my grandmothers in a photo like this, I'm sure I'd pass out.
WTF.... I know i am desperate for some pussy and certianly would jump off a cliff for a BJ... but I would have to draw the line on this one.
Holy shit.
As well documented as everyone's life is these days and in the future, there won't be much you ever do that doesn't get photographed. As to sex at advanced age, surely you have heard of all the carrying on in senior living facilities. An older man with Viagra is popular. An older man with Viagra and who can drive after dark is practically chased down and hog tied!
As to "not being desperate" enough to have sex with the old lady? Turn the lights off!
:: giggle ::
Ummmm. Right. Well, at least she seems to be enjoying herself, that's good, right?
I can never UN-see that. EVER.
@ Charlene - I read a recent news report that stated that the highest rate of new STDs occurs at senior living facilities - which is a rate higher than that of college campuses and prisons! After the shock wore off, I realized... senior citizens are probably not that concerned about safe sex. Why would they?!
I think that may actually be the hoover pipe but 10 out of 10 for improvisation. I think what makes the whole thing so bizzare is that the green polycotton number makes her look so average granny.
Ho... Lee.... Moley. I couldn't picture Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies ever doing something like that..... Till' now. Thanks Senorita.
Granny's got game. I love it.
My lord, it's Granny. I've been looking for her everywhere. She began jogging at age 76 and we haven't seen her since.
She is as old and as young as she wants. Good analysis.
[Barcelona Daily Photo]
OMG...I'm going to totally feel up every man I come in contact with when I am old...acting like I don't know what I am doing...and I might even offer a Blow job with out my teeth in...but I would never have it on tape or in a picture...I like being under the radar...bad...but only the person I am bad with knows...that's how I roll
I bet her theme song is that old 'Beach Boys' song, 'Little Old Lady From Pasadena'...
... or was that 'Jan and Dean?'
I'm sure now that it was 'Jan and Dean...' but not sure enough to change it...
OMG what a picture!
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