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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

A Touch of Luck

Hello Everyone,

You ever have little moments of luck ? I wanna share some of mine. About five years ago I visited my grandma in Austria. I walked by the bank on the way to the swimming pool and I saw about 50 bucks worth of Austrian Schillings worth just sticking out. I wanted to take it so bad, but instead I turned it in to the bank.

A few weeks ago I went shopping and found a cool pair of Diesel shoes for about 35 Euros on some little windy road near Barrio Gothico. For those of you that don't know, Diesel is the shit, and it's also expensive. I happened to find a pair of cool trendy blue choes in my size for 50% off. Sweet.

Yesterday after work I was walking to the metro and on my way there I found a 10 Euro bill laying on the ground with no one around to claim it. I had no money, and was stoked that I could buy myself some food before my Spanish class started. For those of you that don't know this city is a haven for theives. Purses, cell phones and cameras get stolen ALL the time. So finding money here is almost impossible.

I hear that having a bird crap on your head is a sign of good luck. I almost had a bird shit on my head twice. Does that mean that I was almost lucky ?

So....... what are your moments of luck?

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