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Tuesday, May 3, 2005

31 Questions stolen from Jessie´s journal

31 Questions

1. WHAT'S 0N Y0UR MIND RIGHT N0W? Will I be able to stay here in Europe for another year or will I be going home next month?

2. WHAT ARE Y0U LISTENING T0 RIGHT N0W? My thoughts........ scary, huh?

3. C0MPLETE THE SENTENCE: THE W0RLD NEEDS...? More acceptance of each other

4. M0DEL 0F Y0UR CELL PH0NE? Ericsson R520m

5. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING Y0U ATE? An vanilla ice cream bar covered in coffee flavored chocolate.

6. IF Y0U WERE A CRAY0N, WHAT C0L0R W0ULD Y0U BE? Blue or yellow

7. WHAT D0 Y0U D0 DURING Y0UR CHILL TIMe? Read books, go online, go to the beach, watch Flaix TV


9. THE FIRST THING Y0U THINK AB0UT WHEN Y0U SEE THE 0PP0SITE SEX? His height and arms. No....really.

10. AUT0 0R MANUAL? Auto

11. FAV0RITE DAY 0F THE YEAR? Thanksgiving

12. FAV0RITE PLACE? The beach

13. FAV0RITE SP0RTS? Is bellydancing a sport?

14. D0 Y0U WEAR C0NTACTS? My eyes are too dry for that

15. SIBILINGS & THEIR AGES? Patrick 21

16. THE C0OLEST WAY Y0U HAVE T0 RELEASE PRESSURE? Writing on my blog and going out with my friends.

17. THINGS I HATE THE M0ST? Being lied to. Being told what to do. People talking behind my back.

18. WHAT'S THE BEST THINGS AB0UT BEING A GIRL/B0Y? I love having the freedom to dress up. Women have so many more choices: Makeup, high heels, skirts...............

19. SCARY 0R HAPPY M0VIES? Happy movies. The state of the real world scares me enough.

20. MY BEST FRIENDS Don´t really have any right now. But Christina and Shira back home in the US are the closest.

21. CH0C0LATES 0R FL0WERS? Both.

22. WHEN I'M STUCK IN A JAM... I get stressed

23. TEXT 0R CALL? It's all about texting here in Spain.

24. IF Y0U C0ULD TURN BACK TIME, Y0U W0ULD...  I would have registered in the city hall and in the US embassy when I got here. Then I wouldn´t be in this huge mess with getting papers.

25. IN Y0UR WALLET, Y0U HAVE? 5 Euros, my metro pass and my health card.

26. WHAT'S 0N Y0UR SCREEN SAVER? Don´t have one right now. 

27. FAV0RITE B0ARD GAME/S? Scrabble

28. FAV0RITE SMELLS? fresh clothes with softener, flowers................

29. WHAT IS THE LAST THING Y0U THINK 0F BEF0RE Y0U G0 T0 SLEEP? I wonder when I will be going back to California and if I will ever get EU residency for the next year.

30. THINGS I CAN'T LIVE WITH0UT: My cell, chapstick, internet..........

31. Y0UR FAV0RITE QU0TE?? Never give up.

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