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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Feeling Under The Weather............

Hello Loves,

I am starting to feel sick :( You know how the weather starts to change, and then your bones start aching, and you feel more tired, and then you start to get a sore throat and then the rest soon follows...............

That's how I feel. I slept in this morning and now I need to get ready for work in another hour. I can't call off and I don't get paid unless I work.

Yesterday I volunteered for a golf benefit to raise money for the community center I used to volunteer for. I don't care for golf, but I had a lot of fun seeing the people I used to volunteer with.

It was also interesting to run into attorneys from firms that I have interviewed with (and didn't get hired at), and I ran into one of the heads of our legal department where I work now. The interesting thing was he recognized me first, even though I don't remember meeting him and I work in an entirely different department. I thought that was neat.

We're in a recession and so many people are struggling. It was nice to see a group of people that were doing well despite this economy. It made me feel a little more hopeful.

And I got free food, so I didn't have to buy lunch yesterday or today.

That's all for now my little Lindt truffles. Sorry for a lack of wittiness today, but I am just beat right now.

I will go take some vitamins and hope it comes back later.


KristinFilut said...

Here's to hoping The Sickness doesn't get you!!!

Organic Meatbag said...

Awwww shit, S, I'm so sorry to hear that...I know the feeling well...I have a lot of problems with my muscles and joints with arthritis, and I'm starting to feel it in my body too... get plenty of rest and stay warm!

Cathy said...

Not to worry about wit, my sweetest star-lit but o-so-weary one. Myself I've been in that sick room too long now, time to open the windows. I'll take in some life on your behalf. Feeling better yet? <8 :-))

PorkStar said...

Awww, feel better, chica. You need some sopa de pollo for that.

: )

Frequent Traveler said...

Senorita :
Gargle with warm salt water, get lots of sleep, wash your hands frequently, and take may 3,000 mg. of buffered vitamin c twice a day if it is okay with your tummy !

Mutti said...

Na das tut mir aber sehr leid! Bitte iss viel Huehnersuppe mit einen Haufen Knoblauch und bleib so lang im Bett wie moeglich! Und zieh Dich warm an!

Viele Bussi

Danielle said...

Oh, I hope that you don't get what we had. It was knock down.
Feel better!

Big Mark 243 said...

hope you are feeling up to speed soon. I am not surprised that the cat from the law firm recognized you ... you are a tight little package and would make an impression in a person's mind, whether they spoke to you directly or not!!