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Monday, May 18, 2009


Hello There My Lovelies,

When I was in high school in 1995, I used to listen to Loveline with Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew. I listened to them for a while up until I was in college. In 2005 Adam Corolla was replaced and I stopped listening altogether.

But he had Dr. Drew have temporarily reunited and I hope the radio station invites him back permanently. Listening to them again reminds me of my awkward high school days, and reminds me of how naive I was back then.

Loveline is on from 10-midnight I think, on our alternative station here in the Bay, Live 105.3. Basically sexually confused young men and women call up Adam and Dr. Drew and ask any questions regarding their sex lives. No question is off limits, and sometimes it's downright hilarious.

Sometimes they have celebrity guests. My favorite guest of all time was Nick Hexum from the band 311. Not only is he hot, but he has the hottest voice ever.

Dr. Drew Pinksy (who also is also on Celebrity Rehab) gives his point of view from a medical standpoint, and Adam Carolla just gives his witty insight. I love his sense of humor.

Basically, when teens/young adults are too embarrassed to talk to their parents, they turn to Loveline. I remember my parents trying to give me "the talk." Talk about awkward. They sounded almost paranoid when talking to me. They were afraid that I was going to have unprotected sex and get pregnant. Looking back, it's hilarious, because they had nothing to worry about. I was socially awkward in high school, didn't have friends, wore no makeup, wore baggy clothes and I had a lot of zits on my face. Yet because they were so afraid of the teen pregnancy statistics shown on TV, they were convinced that I was going to be another statistic.

Anyway, I hope Adam Carolla stays.


Mike said...

That was a fun show. Jeez I haven't watched it in over 10 years. Where does the time go?

Big Mark 243 said...

Used to watch them on MTV ... I agree, that it is a good forum for young people to ask the questions that would get them laughed at or are too embarrassed to ask someone they know.

jacob said...

I didn't know you liked Adam Carolla.. u know he has a podcast??

I see thats where u got douche nozzle from, one of he words he "invented"